Andreas Wahl


Zodiak Trio © Helmut Berns

John-Dennis Renken has brought to life with this electric-acoustic 3 man occupation a formation in which the most different musical worlds meet. Lyrical-elegiac sound cascades meet rock-grooves and drum'n bass rhythms, succinct subjects contrast with powerful soli.

"The Zodiak Trio pulses with energy, even when it’s playing slowly and softly; the restless impulse to uncover and explore new possibilities is ever-present in this trio’s work. But that is far from the entire story. I know John-Dennis and Andreas, and I’ve played with them (and I’d like to get to know Bernd as well), and I’ve experienced for myself the sense of fun they bring to making music. I think it was Gil Evans who described this balance of serious intentions and play as “a party with a purpose.”
Steve Swallow

John-Dennis Renken - trumpet, electronics
Andreas Wahl
- guitar
Bernd Oezsevim - drums

jazzahead! 2013 - German Jazz Expo - Zodiak Trio

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